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   H.T. Solutions Srl

La nostra azienda progetta e costruisce forni industriali in vuoto e alto vuoto.
Visitate o inviate una mail a [email protected] per maggiori informazioni.

Our team of hear treatment (HT) technicians and vacuum furnaces manufacturers have been working in various companies, all related to the HT sector, for many years till we decided, motivated by close common work and friendship, to put our know-how, technology and practical experience, that we had accumulated through the synergy with the producers and end-users, to the full disposal of the heat treaters themselves, to their and your service. First we began by giving them assistance by maintenance, repairs and substitution services, as we knew very well how their furnaces were operating, their qualities and shortcomings or failures, the results and the expectations of the heat treaters facing new technologies, materials and requests of the metallurgical world. Therefore in the year 2002 we got together to create our company “ HT SOLUTIONS Srl” and put our combined knowledge to full production and service to the heat treaters’world. As you can understand, we are therefore a young and dedicated company that may be interesting for you to get in touch with, in relation to any problem, project or need you may have, or any improvement that you want to see realized or attained in the field of vacuum and high vacuum. They may be real findings or just dreams you have hoped for through the many years of work you have done in the past. We are ready to be and become your “working hand” in fulfilling them practically, now, just as you wanted them to be. Anyway, for more detailed or specific information and proposals on your individual needs, do not hesitate to contacts us, at first on ”” where you can verify some of the parts, furnace components and complete plants we have manufactured up to now, even if not really plentiful, but to the best of our abilities and to the full satisfaction of our first customers that keep coming back to us and promoting our firm to their collegues. We are looking forward to your call, questions and requests, for assistance, repairs, refurbishing and completely new vacuum furnaces, HT equipments and plants. Please, do not hesitate: we are young as a company but we have already a wide experience and expertise acquired in our working life in previous firms. Thank you for your kind attention and reply.
Il nostro staff tecnico ha maturato esperienze in sinergia con utilizzatori ed esperti nella pianificazione di processi termici, acquisendo competenze in tutte le attività legate all'utilizzo dei forni in vuoto.
La vicinanza al cliente, la qualità del servizio e la tempestività di intervento rappresentano da sempre i nostri punti di forza.
Siamo a Vostra completa disposizione per soddisfare qualsiasi richiesta e ci auguriamo che abbiate presto l'occasione di verificare personalmente la qualità dei nostri servizi.
Via Sandro Pertini, 19
26019 - VAILATE
Cremona - Italia
Zona               Tutte
Conto terzi      NO
Tel     +39 0363 34.01.24
Fax       +39 0363 34.16.22
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